Conley & Conley Insurance Solutions

Telehealth And Video Health Services Available To You

Word Health written in search bar on virtual screen.

You can now get health services from the safety of your own home without the risk and exposure to deadly diseases like the Coronavirus!

The CDC is recommending Phone (Telehealth) or Video visits to help you avoid exposure of in-person visits and waiting rooms at no additional cost. Medicare patients can consult with a medical professional via mobile phone or computer and obtain online services for free without leaving home!

Here are some online resources. Some may be busier than others.

Medicare also covers:

  • Lab test for COVID-19. You pay no out-of-pocket costs.
  • All medically necessary hospitalizations, including hospital quarantine.
  • Vaccines for COVID-19. There are currently No vaccines. When they are created, vaccines will be covered by Medicare Part D /RX Prescription drug plans.

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